1. Promote culture of peace and non-violence by empowering individuals and communities. 
  2. Groom young people as future leaders through training and mentorship 
  3. Detach young people from extremist ideology through deliberate initiatives. 
  4. Reorient the youths and position them as change-makers and peace ambassadors in their local communities. 
  5. Increase knowledge and understanding of peace among school children through the teachings of history, arts and inter-cultural exchange programme. 
  6. Set new approach to tackle drug and substance abuse among the youths to reduce crime. 
  7. Tackle poverty through financial literacy, entrepreneurial development and humanitarian assistance. 
  8. Implement innovative literary programs to promote reading and writing culture by helping writers to monetize their writing skills. 
  9. Promote peace culture through talent development- providing a unique space (IdeaLab) where young people co-create solution to problems affecting their community. 
  10. Advocate for human rights, fairness, equity and justice. 
  11. To become the vehicle that drive the partnership and collaboration needed for the complete implementation of Agenda 2030. #SDG17.