Leaping over low tackles in College Football 25 or any other football video game can be a game-changing move, especially when you're running the ball. It allows you to CFB 25 Coins avoid getting brought down by low tackles, maintaining your momentum and possibly breaking free for a bigger gain. Here’s how you can effectively utilize this move, along with some tips for using it strategically in your gameplay:

1. Understanding the Mechanics
In most college football video games, leaping over low tackles is typically triggered by pressing the right button at the right moment while running. This is especially useful when you're approaching a defender who is attempting a low tackle (i.e., trying to grab your legs or ankles).

For College Football 25, you’ll likely need to:

Press the specific button for a jump or hurdle (usually R2 or L2 on PlayStation, RT or LT on Xbox). You’ll need to NCAA Football 25 Coins for sale time this when the tackler is about to make their move.
Hold or tap the button depending on how long you want your player to leap or hurdle.