New features such as volumetric spotlights, Omni lights, and surface decals add to the vast collection of atmospheric, visually striking features and effects. A vastly improved scene-building experience and subtle yet powerful usability and workflow improvements make Lumion much more intuitive and significantly faster.

With Lumion 12 Pro, it’s easier than ever to illuminate the atmosphere in your designs and show

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Overview of Lumion Pro Features

  • With Lumion 12 Pro, it’s easier than ever to illuminate the atmosphere in your designs and show their most distinctive elements in their best light.
  • Volumetric effect for spotlights (Pro only)
  • Light color temperature (Kelvin)
  • Capture the subtle details of life
  • With Lumion 12, you can now import your custom decals to give surfaces a unique look and feel, opening up more possibilities for creative expression.
  • Import your license plates
  • 110 newly animated plants

System Requirements and Technical Details

  • Internet connection: The PC running Lumion must be connected to the internet.
  • Graphics card: GPU scoring a G3DMark of 7,000 or higher with up-to-date drivers. (Such as the Nvidia GeForce RTX 1650, AMD Radeon RX 470 or better)
  • Graphics card memory:4 GB or more*
  • Operating system: Up-to-date Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU (processor): Intel/AMD processor scoring a single thread CPUMark of 2000 or higher. (Such as the AMD Ryzen 5 1500X, Intel Core i7-3770K or better)
  • Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels**
  • System memory (RAM): 16 GB or more
  • Hard drive: SATA3 SSD or HDD
  • Hard drive space: Minimum 40 GB of free disk space in the drives where the Windows User Account and Documents folder are located.